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Ice-Pick Lodge forums • 2. The Consumption of Lympha of Colour.
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PostPosted: 03 Dec 2007, 03:08 
Старый Добрый Эль
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03 Apr 2005, 20:32

Posts: 4529

Location: Зараженная Москва


<Continued, see "The Existence of Lympha of Colour.">

Such a view on Lympha of Colour is naturally followed by the assumption, that a man must consume it. By consuming Lympha – relentlessly extracting it from living beings and inanimate matters – he doesn’t take it from them, he merely returns that, which is his own by right.

Thus let us read a quick hymn to Greed. This is one of the few cases, when Greediness turns from vice into a positive quality. When it comes to Lympha of Colour – greediness is beautiful, restraint is disgusting. Is it comes to Lympha if Colour, only Indifference is unacceptable.

But other voices sound as well. They say, that if all was so – Life on Earth should be increasing, but all we can see now is the increase of existence. They say, that the secrets of Lympha, its nature, philosophy and dialectics are yet unclear and undeveloped. That this unusual resource is too rare, and is disappearing so fast these days, that this must mean only one thing – by consuming Lympha of Colour, man takes it away from others.

Indeed, while filling you, it just as well leaves that, which you have extracted it from. A sound, a person, a memory – so vivid and rich just a second ago – turn into boring, flaccid, lifeless shells. And when you take a horrified look at what just seemed the most desired thing, you understand that there’s crime, murder in consumption.

And pity you, if, despite being passionate and attentive, your spirit is weak, and you mind undeveloped – so that you spend in vain the treasures taken away!
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

---- Alexander Pope

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2010, 05:30 


14 Jan 2010, 05:15

Posts: 2

Hello everyone,

I just had to make an account especially to say how incredibly awesome I think these two texts are.

The philosophical tone, the implications, the truths about our present world, the stimulus to think, to become aware of the nature of beauty and consumption. It is quite simply a delight to read and to ponder!

I thank you, writer, this is really my idea of pure beauty and delight.
Oops, have I now taken the Lympha of Colour? And if I have, is that good, or bad? And does it matter?
I have admired this, and now release the Lympha of Colour back into the world so others can temporarily hold it. Or so I tell myself... ;)

Really, thanks for putting so much thought into these small things.

...And while I am at it... Thanks also for the wonderful torrent, which I got before the game to see if it would be as cool as I hoped, and I decided yes and ordered it (can you believe I couldn't get it in my country, so I imported it from the UK).
And yes, thanks also for such a wonderful new game with such a fantastic concept, a game which expands the borders of entertainment and a game that creates such a wonderful world inside of me, that I will always carry this experience with me.

I have just played it for 3 hours now (got it in the mail today), but I love it already. The music... well, everything.
Again, thanks!

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2010, 05:40 
Старый Добрый Эль
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03 Apr 2005, 20:32

Posts: 4529

Location: Зараженная Москва

Oh, damn it, I guess I should translate the rest ) Stay tuned!
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

---- Alexander Pope

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2010, 05:54 


14 Jan 2010, 05:15

Posts: 2

There's more :o :D!!!

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2010, 01:23 


14 Jan 2010, 05:15

Posts: 2

*checking site every day to see if you had time to translate :)*

Been very busy with moving so alas haven't had time to play a lot... I miss the game, and will soon have time again I think :)

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2010, 02:06 
Старый Добрый Эль
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03 Apr 2005, 20:32

Posts: 4529

Location: Зараженная Москва

Definitely, it won't happen earlier than on the 25-nd, have stuff to do in RL. (
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

---- Alexander Pope

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2010, 17:10 


14 Jan 2010, 05:15

Posts: 2

Heh no problem,

I had lots of stuff to do as well.

I have subscribed now, so when you get around to it if you could post here then I can check it.

Thanks for everything :)

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2010, 22:05 


22 Feb 2010, 00:32

Posts: 6

As an academic student of philosphy, I must say that this game is a full plate of richness. The whole philosophical description of the Void has no flaws... even in the beggining I infered that the Void could be an instance of someone's psyche, which somewhat later in the game has shown that I was correct.

The description of the process of Color inside one's soul has gave me a deep insight into the flowing of emotions, and it stands a great parallel as a metaphor. It is genious. For an example, I really liked the view as emotions or colors as the fuel of ones life and activity, and that one can create from using in the right way. Also the holistic vision when it comes to the situation that the spent Nerva changes the Void. It is as organic as the surrounding ambience, sounds, etc...

I'm really happy that I've met this game in time. And if someone wants to talk about The Void, and philosophy in general, please contact me via personal messages.

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