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Reccomend a film
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Author:  xantrius [ 03 Jul 2011, 15:30 ]
Post subject:  Reccomend a film

I'd recommend the Japanese Mamoru Oshii's (Ghost in the shell 2) Innocence . A postcyberpunk anime film, there's strictly speaking no reason to see the first one at it isn't a hollywoodish sequel, and I think the second one is much superior to the first, though I did love the first one back in the day. The original manga is quite trashy too imo.
The film explores themes such as innocence, family relations, what a human is; it revives the Enlightenment mechanistic view of what characterise humanity, spurred by the technological revolution as the films epigraph foreshadows.

Has anyone seen Andrei Tarkovsky's Solaris . I love the book by Stanisław Lem, and could be interesting to see the adaptation and twist of Russians director off it.Thought the American incarnation was garbage.

Author:  Yakjazz [ 06 Jul 2011, 21:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

Here are a few films that I really like.

Survive Style 5+ - Surreal Japanese film with a loose plot, following different characters: A hitman who is obsessed with asking about everyone's function in life, a man who murders his wife over and over but can't get her to stay dead, and a family man who gets stuck hypnotised into believing he's a chicken after the hypnotist dies on stage.

Obi, Oba: The End of Civilisation - Post apocalyptic sci fi from Poland. Survivors of a nuclear war huddle inside a huge dome to shelter from the fallout. To bolster morale the authorities have constructed a myth of 'the ark', a huge vessel that will rescue everyone and fly away.

Thesis - A girl doing her media thesis on violence comes across a snuff film of a former student who vanished. A thriller that satirises our curiosity to watch others suffer.

The Quiet Earth - A scientist wakes up to discover that he's the only person left alive on Earth.

Festen - Kristian goes to his father's 50th birthday celebration with a gruesome revelation about his sister's recent suicide. Plays heavily on the way that people will suppress their moral conviction just to maintain an image of decency. Excellent drama.

My Dinner With Andre - A meeting of two old friends in a restaurant, conversing about society and........yeah, just watch it. :D

Author:  Hicks [ 07 Sep 2011, 02:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

12 Angry Men. I'd had it on tape for years but had never watched until last week and it was superb. Claustrophobic and tense with great performances. There's complaints of it being out of date and difficult to believe. If people really want real life then they can look out the window.

Author:  Darth_Murmeltier [ 11 Sep 2011, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

I personally recommend:

The Fountain
It's about death, love, immortality and life. There are 3 timelines one in the 16. century where a conquistador tries to find a mayan sanctum, the source of eternal life. The second one takes place 500 years later where a scientist tries to find a cure for cancer to save his wife. And the last one takes place 500 years from now, a journey through time and place to dying star, where a man tries to get the answers for all his question. The same man is in all 3 timelines and... well, watch it for yourself :D. Btw the music is fantastic, it's composed by Clint Mansell check out his work!

Enter The Void
A drug consumer/dealer gets shot in Tokyo and is flying as ghost through the city, the past, the future and the now are getting mixed together. It's very graphic and trippy. It's also a bit too long, but it really is a mindblowing and unique experience.

We Feed The World
An austrian documentary about the shocking truth about the food industry. It was an eyeopener for me.

A man who works in a station on the moon, that feeds the earth with energy discovers that...well watch it for yourself, it's the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen.

Requiem For A Dream
About four people who become/are addicted to drugs and fuck up their lives. The most shocking movie I've ever seen. This was directed by Darren Aronofsky who also directed The Fountain.

Also check out the work of the Ghibli Studios and the work of Satoshi Kon.

Of course there are alot more movies I love but I'll post them later.
Btw there are some great recommendations already here, but we need more!

Author:  Yakjazz [ 14 Sep 2011, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

Synecdoche, New York - Directed by Charlie Kaufman, the film is about a theatre director going through a crisis in his life. Though plagued by health anxiety and broken relationships, he gets a commission to make a huge production in a gigantic warehouse and ends up trying to recreate his life to try and figure out where everything went wrong. Bizarre, deep, and gut wrenchingly depressing at times.

Fucking Åmål - A Swedish teen drama about lesbians. Wait, wait! It is great though. Really well made, realistic, and sweet without being corny.

Pontypool - An extremely suspenseful Canadian indie zombie film with a twist. It was originally meant to be entirely audio since most of the film takes place in a radio studio during the night as reports of strange things happening and mobs gathering around the small town of Pontypool start coming in.

Timecrimes - A Spanish time travel film that explores self deception. A man travels a day into the past and fights at all costs to get his past self back into the machine so that he can go back to his normal life. The film isn't mind boggling or clever, but it has a purpose. (Don't watch the trailer. It's terrible.)

Interrogation - Polish film set in the 1950s during Stalin's crackdown. A singer is arrested and interrogated for absurd crimes against the state, most likely to meet police quotas. Most Polish films seem to be about the horrors of communism anyway, so why not watch one of the best? :D

Author:  KabraxisObliv [ 22 Oct 2011, 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

Melancholia - It's about the planet Melancholia which is going to collide with Earth and about the last hours of the depressive young woman Justine (Kirsten Dunst). Written and directed by Lars von Trier. Just watched it yesterday and I was pretty impressed, it was something very unusual. Never seen a movie like that before. Also the mood reminded me on The Void.

Author:  jader7777 [ 20 May 2012, 06:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

Nausicaa: The Valley Of The Wind
Studio Ghibli

A Japanese animation about a future where the world has been poisoned by war and humans are finding it difficult to live in. Nausicaa is studying the toxic jungle that grows across the Earth only to be interrupted by a war brewing between the few remaining nations of men.

I love the animation and style of this movie, it also has a very moving environmental message.

Author:  Hicks [ 31 May 2012, 00:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

Little Red Flowers:

Set in a preschool round the time of the Cultural Revolution in China it follows a young boy and his struggle to affirm his individuality and whether he will succumb to the expectations and eventual demands of the system.

Looks gorgeous, simply but cleverly written and a great ensemble performance by the kids. A clever and interesting film that is all the more interesting for being made in China.

Author:  hydra9 [ 03 Jun 2012, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

I'm a big fan of Nausicaa. And Hicks, thanks for your recommendation - sounds excellent!

Author:  ghosts [ 03 Sep 2012, 05:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

I have seen Tarkovsky's Solaris, it's wonderful, but I am saying this as a huge fan of Tarkovsky's work. I was hesitant to watch it for a while because I really hate science fiction, but it's still as beautiful as any of his other films!! I was surprised I liked it so much! Don't watch the american version it's absolute garbage in comparison... but that is really just my opinion!

Other Tarkovsky films I would reccomend are Stalker and The Mirror, I love all of his films but I think those two are my "absolute favorites".
His directing style is my "absolute favorite", but I can see it's like a love it or hate it thing.
If you are into less linear films, other films I could suggest are Sans Soleil by Chris Marker, anything you can find by Nathaniel Dorsky and anything you can find by Peter Hutton. It's a little hard to find films by the last two directors on the internet but I think there are some. They are less straightforward films but amazing works of art. Though if you are not in to that type of film I wouldn't suggest trying to get through watching them!
A funny straight forward film I would suggest is Sódóma Reykjavík by Óskar Jónasson. It's an Icelandic film about a loser guy who is trying to find the remote control for his mom's TV and ends up getting caught up with liqour smugglers and a nightclub owner who wants to be Iceland's first mafia boss. It's just silly and actually really funny.

Author:  merry123 [ 31 Dec 2013, 06:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Reccomend a film

I also recommend "The Fountain" for you.. Simply best for me.. Its creativity idea & strength is awesome..

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