Ice-Pick Lodge forums

English subtitles? ...pretty please?
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Author:  Ausonius [ 01 Feb 2010, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Hi there!
Now that I've completed The Void I was thinking about getting my hands on "Turgor" just out of curiosity and to experiment a different gameplay tempo (or so I've heard).
The thing is that the only words in russian I know are tose for beer (пиво), kiss (поцелуй) and bathroom (Ванна).. as a sidenote I've been told one can arguably survive for a couple of weeks with those in any country :P
I know that there used to be an english subtitle patch for Turgor (the "Longplay" was done with those ;) and the Wikipedia entry still mentions it), but I've gone as far as translating (via Google) whole topics in the russian speaking forums to no avail: the english subtitle patch keeps eluding me.
Now, I know you guys would rather have us play the actual lipsynched (is that spelled right?, does that word even exist?) The Void, but I'd really really like to get this one too.

Thank you in advance, and please forgive me if the actual download button was staring at me all along, I just don't know where else to look.


Author:  hydra9 [ 01 Feb 2010, 15:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

*psst* I slid a PM under your door.

Author:  Ausonius [ 01 Feb 2010, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Public thanks!

Author:  khalleb [ 03 Jun 2010, 20:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

I am also in the search of the english subs patch for turgor, pretty much the same reasons as Ausonius.
So, pleeeease, if you could send it to me via pm or something, I'd be eternaly grateful!

P.s. Sorry for nagging on the first post..

Author:  hydra9 [ 06 Jun 2010, 01:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Sorry. Been offline most of this week. Finally got my Internet connection back up.

>> Here is the subtitles patch. <<

Just drop it into the game's 'data' folder.

There is one small problem with it: The subtitles are not synchronized properly with the speech - They go by too fast. Luckily, you can read transcripts of all conversations by going to the game's info screen.

Author:  khalleb [ 15 Jun 2010, 10:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Thx a lot!

Although, I've already found a "translation patch". Basically, if you install the easy patch, it also translates your game into english...

Author:  hydra9 [ 15 Jun 2010, 17:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Although, I've already found a "translation patch". Basically, if you install the easy patch, it also translates your game into english...
Hmm, I wouldn't be sure about that. The text changed a lot between 'Turgor' and 'The Void' - so even if it partially works, you'll end up seeing incorrect lines of dialogue.

Author:  Avimimus [ 26 Jul 2010, 01:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Yes, I tried using the old translation patch from Turgor on The Void (which caused the lasses to get stuck mouthing unheard words while the camera panned back and forth between two points for eternity).

Which is quite predictable. However, it would be great if we could get the original translated text in some subtitle patch or simply extracted into a text format. It adds a lot of depth to some of the characters and it is a privilege to have read both the official English version and the the more extensive translation of the Russian version.

Perhaps, I should just learn Russian though? Then we don't need subtitles? :mrgreen:

Author:  lightness616 [ 06 Oct 2010, 09:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Right...i got the game (russian version) and put the english subtitles patch into the 'data' folder...only problem is now that now only do i not get any subtitles, but that i also have no speech audio nor can i interact wit the game save for moving around...anyone got any ideas?

Author:  SpanishDiablo [ 26 May 2011, 18:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Could please someone be so nice to PM me working English subtitles for the original Russian version? I love games in their original form.
Thank you a lot.

Author:  hydra9 [ 26 May 2011, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

Look at my post, five places above yours.

Author:  SpanishDiablo [ 27 May 2011, 06:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

I had misunderstood those ones as rendering audio non-working, for ulterior conversation. I have in fact already downloaded this patch, and will try it tomorrow. Anyway, thank you,

Author:  hydra9 [ 27 May 2011, 06:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: English subtitles? ...pretty please?

No problem. It is a pity about the audio sync issue, but it's the only version there is. Just be sure to check the conversation log after talking to characters.

Good luck :)

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