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Auto-Ascension is a "good" ending ?
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Author:  Zonork [ 31 Jul 2013, 19:06 ]
Post subject:  Auto-Ascension is a "good" ending ?

Is Auto-Ascension really “a good” end? (compared to Sisters)

When a sister goes up, that creates a specific world in resonance with its nature. (but incomplete because it would have been necessary to make assemble all the sisters a long ago)

But when do I assemble myself? which is the world ? I am not related to nothing, my heart is empty.
The associated poem does not realy describe a world, i find.

Weren't we supposed to find a soul ? Aren't the sisters these souls ?

Seems like Godsend is some kind of salvation spirit or something and needs a sister to reincarnate, but if that is the case, what happens to Godsend if we self ascend ?

Which interpretation can one make auto-ascenion ? (Also compared to the rise of the sisters ?)

(I had seen like a will to live, the choice of a painting…)

If this solution is as valid and good as the others, which is the interest of the sacrifice for a sister?

Who would like to die for a girl who handles you and really does not think of you? except if it were better for the whole world? if your ego is not worse for the world than the sisters…

If the sisters are motivations to continue to live, and the brothers of fears which cause the stagnation.
Why does an end where one one assemble ourself whereas one is not a motivation ?

If the sisters are aspects of oneself, why propose a auto-ascension if it are already oneself ?

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