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Any big differences? Is it worth buying?
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Author:  Kedor [ 02 Nov 2009, 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

Hello there. I was just reading forum after I was gone for a while, and I found something interesting
[...]I've done the mine quest, the journal says "talk to Mantid, he is waiting", so I traveled to his chamber. [...]
I am not sure what version of the game is that but...

Let me go to the point, I bought a POLISH version of game like half year ago (I am not sure) and I want just to know if there are many differences between Polish, German, English, Russian versions. Like more features? Quest? Tasks? Some other gameplay? Other rules prevailing in the world in the game? Do every language version got something unique? I am just interested if the game differs much. If you would be so nice, write few biggest differences between them or something :P

PS. And could some1 tell me, if differences are big, is it possible to get German and Russian version with English subtitles? :P

Sorry for my English and if you don't understand something.
Thanks in advance.

Author:  Halfgild Wynac [ 02 Nov 2009, 20:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

I think I'll explain what happened in general, to make the overall picture clear.
The original game was released a year and a half ago, late spring 2008. It was translated into English for purposes of localisation, and got released in Poland. Then, the game was noticed by producers from Atari, who became then rather interested. They proposed not just to translate the game and release world-wide as is, but to work on the game for some time, and make numerous changes prior to releasing it. So we had a new variant of game somewhere in the spring 2009. It was rereleased in Russia, and after some time, in Germany. The English version for some reason was finnally shipped only a week ago, or so (2009, October 23).

So basically there are two variants of game: original Russian (also available in Polish), and "The Void", which was released in GErmany and English-speaking countries, and re-released in Russia. I.e. two Russian versions exist, and I even saw them both in one shop a few days ago :).

The major changes are:
- Some changes in mechanics. Nerva doesn't need to be collected now, it is transported into pallete automatically; trees don't die forever after being used once. Use of colour in locations of a certain Sister "destroys" her realm, and some nasty things start to happen there, while the colour income from the trees becomes poor. You don't "charge" golems with lympha now
- new monsters. They represent a domain's damage, i.e. as the domain becomes used up, more hostile abominations appear.
- Mongolfier has finished his plastic surgery, and had the band removed (with all his hair, apparently). A side effect turned out to be his head expanding. Sorry. :mrgreen:
- lipsync
- English and German voice-overs. Yay! Now not only people from Russia and Poland can understand the game. Ava in German is particularly good; never liked her as a character, but the acting seems appealing to me.
- Now there are 3 more talk locations for Brothers, not only one gloomy landscape for all 10 of them.
- the story was fiddled with. The general idea is the same, but the layout changed. So-called "quests" appeared, though you don't have to finish them (be prepared for the fight in this case, because the Brothers will punish you for that)
- the game was rebalanced once more. Unfortunately, it has become way harder than original. I.e. in the beginning it is quite simple, but there are numerous challenging occurrences in the second half. By the way, it is, I believe, the only change for the English version (save for bug fixing). The balance in the second half of the game was tweaked yet once more time to make it at least honest and not rely on player being lucky.
- the Colour has now become a character, which partically compensates for difficulty at the end of the game.

The drawbacks as I see them:
- some dialogues were truncated. Well, in fact they were almost completely rewritten... But in general many girls have less text. There was much rubbish in original. Well written rubbish, though. Meaning, that it was well put, pleasant to read and had a nice voice-acting, but made little to no sense. Some people miss it. I do not.
- I don't particularly like Ole's English voiceover, and also Ava's one; though in Russian it is Nameless Sister which turned out pretty undistinguished after her being redone by a new actress. :)
- the difficulty sometimes is more than it should have been. I mean, it would be OK with several difficulty levels, but when there is only one "generic difficulty for generic player", it is too much.
- I personally did not like what happens in the game in 9-10 cycles, when the concentration of events comes to its maximum. I.e. many characters appear, and for some reason they ALL absolutely ought to speak to you NOW, and not ten minutes later.

The subtitles in the base are tied to their voiceovers, so you cannot easily run voiceovers with subtitles from other languages; you would need to remaster the database manually for that. I mean, techically completely different things may be written in Russian, German and English games. Their voiceovers are independent, each of them has subs of its own with its own timing.

Author:  hydra9 [ 02 Nov 2009, 21:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

This should be added to the FAQ. Or rather, a link to this should be added (as it's a large block of text). I'll do that now :wink:

Author:  Throdax [ 02 Nov 2009, 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

This should be added to the FAQ. Or rather, a link to this should be added (as it's a large block of text). I'll do that now :wink:
Thank you, as i'm not omnipresent. (i do try though :P)

Author:  hydra9 [ 02 Nov 2009, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

You're joking, of course. I know you're only pretending to not be omnipresent to hide your omnipresence :wink:

Author:  Kedor [ 02 Nov 2009, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

woah :shock: :shock:
Thanks for explaining :D

I thought i will have few more question after some1 answer, but i was wrong :o
Again thanks.

Changed my mind, about asking next question, I mean.
Tell me, is any of these versions selling with small book with poems? poetry? or w/e its called in English.
Well, I mean, when i bought polish version, i got manual, "walkthrough", CD with music and some kind of poems. Some of them are used ingame, in intro or in Uta's "room".
And I would like to ask, if its possible to get these poems somehow (ofc i dont mean polish ones) without buying the game?

Maybe its weird question but hmm :roll: :roll:

Sorry for my English and if you don't understand something.
Thanks in advance.

Author:  Halfgild Wynac [ 03 Nov 2009, 01:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

Hmm.. I don't really know what's in the German and English versions' boxes, but it seems unlikely that they have these books you got in you Polish edition (yeah, I held it in my own hands :) ). If you would like to listen to these poems in Russian, try downloading the official torrent of our bonus disk. If you means listening to them in English or German, then you'd better wait until we make an updated torrent with more stuff.

As for their texts, these pieces of poetry are free:). Look up on the internet; the names of their autjors in your language can be found in credits.

Author:  Kedor [ 03 Nov 2009, 02:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

If you would like to listen to these poems in Russian, try downloading the official torrent of our bonus disk. If you means listening to them in English or German, then you'd better wait until we make an updated torrent with more stuff.

Thanks for the info, didnt knew there is something like that torrent. I am already downloading part of it.
About listening to them in English or German, i would like to hear them too, and i would like to hear Russian ones too :P
But could i get some info, what's "foobar2000", KRI and interview video?

I know i can find some info on the site, for example "2 videos from KRI (Russian GDC)" But the "Russian GDC" is still mystery for me :D

Author:  Halfgild Wynac [ 03 Nov 2009, 03:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

If you would like to listen to these poems in Russian, try downloading the official torrent of our bonus disk. If you means listening to them in English or German, then you'd better wait until we make an updated torrent with more stuff.
But could i get some info, what's "foobar2000", KRI and interview video?

I know i can find some info on the site, for example "2 videos from KRI (Russian GDC)" But the "Russian GDC" is still mystery for me :D
foobar2000 is a media player. You may as well download the latest version on the net.

gdc = Game Developers Conference. KRI means "Konferentsiya Razrabotchikov Igr" which literally means "Conference of Game Developers" (RUssian word "igra" surely seems familiar to you ;)). It is the conference held in Russia by DTF company in late spring. ( or

Author:  hellwalker [ 05 Apr 2010, 07:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

so no major changes?
I tried searching, and some reviews claimed new version to be oversimplified and lost its "arty" side, but gained better gameplay.

I got new version of game as gift, but if it lost much of the uniqueness and artistic side, and depth of story I'd rather somehow get old version.

any advice?

Author:  hydra9 [ 05 Apr 2010, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

so no major changes?

any advice?
You should read Halfgild Wynac's extensive post (the second one in this thread) :)

Author:  WarStalkeR [ 13 Jun 2012, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

Sorry for extremely late post now, but for some people who are still seeking for The Void to play, they must know very important difference between original Russian version and casual English version. In Russian version there are 4 endings (or 14 if you count all sisters), the last ending (14th ending) allows you to save both, yourself and sister you've chosen, while English version have only 13 endings.

Author:  Inferum [ 01 Oct 2013, 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

So basically there are two variants of game: original Russian (also available in Polish), and "The Void", which was released in GErmany and English-speaking countries, and re-released in Russia.
Never knew that, is there any way for someone that doesnt understand Russian nor Polish to play the original version?

Author:  Deprave [ 03 Oct 2013, 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Any big differences? Is it worth buying?

Inferum, there is... kinda: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=9444

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